All medications, prescription and over the counter, that require admission during school hours must be accompanied by a physician’s written order and parent’s permission. All medication must be delivered to the nurse by a parent or guardian in its original container. Please do not send medicine with your child and do not hand medication to the bus driver unless you were given prior written authorization from the Transportation Department.
The pharmacy label must display: (a) Student name (b) Name and phone number of pharmacy (c) Licensed prescriber's name (d) Date and number of refills (e) Name of medication/dosage (f) Frequency of administration (g) Route of administration and/or other directions.
For certain medications, especially controlled substances, standards of best practice include counting the medication upon receipt and periodically. This is not a legal requirement but constitutes a sound practice when handling controlled substances. Best practice includes close supervision of medication taking.
Over the counter (OTC) medications must be in the original manufacturer's container/package with the student's name affixed to the container. See above re: requirement for Doctor’s Orders and Parent Permission.
Medications should not be transported daily to and from school. Parents should be advised to ask the pharmacist for two containers, one to remain at home and one at school.