If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please call and notify the school. This includes absences for the entire day, late arrivals and early dismissal. When your child returns to school, your child must bring a written note explaining the absence to his teacher. If you know in advance of an upcoming absence, early dismissal or late arrival (vacation, doctor’s appointment, etc.), please send your note/email to the teacher before said absence. A phone call or advanced note to the teacher will eliminate you receiving a telephone call from the school nurse.
Please notify the school nurse should your phone number (home, cell, work), emergency contact phone number, or your contact person change. In the event that your child is ill or injured, I need to be able to contact you or your designated emergency contact person.
Please notify the Health Office of any contagious conditions such as strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), head lice, etc.